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Result Navigation and Display


These custom cells provide options for users to navigate the HTML result and control some aspects of its display. They are:

  • Toggle group,
  • Jump to anchor,
  • Jump to location, and
  • Bookmark element.

   Toggle Group

Often reports have groups of information that can become quite voluminous. Consider the following result with various groups.


The “HTML Toggle Group” custom cell provides options to collapse and example groups. Here is it being used for each animal type.

The custom cell allows the user to collapse groups as shown below.


Below is its use in a portfolio analysis report.


Collapsing stocks shows.


The unique custom cell properties are shown below.


   Jump To Anchor

The cell formula result is a value that may be referenced by a "Jump To" custom cell. The value must be unique within the result. The result is a button on the result that when clicked jumps to a tagged location in the result. The tagged locations are defined using the "Jump To Anchor" custom cell.

The “Jump to”and the “Jump to Anchor” one work together for rapid result navigation.


The formula may return a constant when the use cse is to navigate previous and next sections.
Alternatively it may be a unique value from the data being analyzed. These variations are described in more detail below.

   Jump To

The cell formula and interaction define how the user may scroll through the result using "Jump To" and "Jump To Anchor" custom cells. Clicking the button in the result scrolls the target area into view.

The unique custom cell properties are shown below.


When there is no color formula or constant then the default color is used.

The interaction options are shown below.


Common interaction use cases are:

  1. Previous - This formula is a string which matches the formula result of a "Jump To" anchor custom cell. A scan is done backwards to find the matching anchor. This can be used to jump upward to periodic sections of a result such as sales regions in a 'Previous section' and 'Next section' manner. When the button is clicked the result is scrolled to the target anchor's line and selects the next cell after it. Typically the "Jump To" cells will be in the left hand area of the line.

  2. Next - This formula is a string which matches the formula result of a "Jump To" anchor custom cell. A scan is done forwards to find the matching anchor. This can be used to jump downward to periodic sections of a result such as sales regions in a 'Previous section' and 'Next section' manner. When the button is clicked the result is scrolled to the target anchor's line and selects the next cell after it. Typically the "Jump To" cells will be in the left hand area of the line.

  3. Prompt - This formula references a list of anchor names. This can be useful on a report header cell to jump to various break point sections in for example a sales by region analysis. The anchor names must be unique in this case.

First define a suppressed cell above this cell which sets up a list to gather anchor names with


You can also use report level or group level formulas to define this variable.

The "Jump To" cell's formula is


Define a "Jump To Anchor" cell lower in the template to append to the anchor list and define an anchor point as well.

myTargetAnchor = listAddElement(@myAnchors, @animalsElement._class)

When the user clicks in the result a selection list of anchor names is presented. Selecting an anchor name scrolls to that area in the result.


There are examples of its results from the “example/Custom cells/Jump to and anchor example” template.


The last line of output above is from a cell with paragraph formatting and the formula


  Bookmark Element

The cell formula result is the name of the bookmark. This is a lightweight approach where the target must be within the content being shown. A link on page 1 targeting something on page 3 will not succeed when page-by-page navigation is active.

The unique custom cell properties are shown below.   

The name of the bookmark is used in the hyperlink label.

Below is sample output from the “example/Custom cells/Bookmark navigation” template.


The last report header line has 2 cells.


The first report summary line has 2 cells.


In this simple example, consider when the result is shown with limited vertical space.


Clicking on “Go to end” scrolls that item into view using standard HTML navigation techniques.


Likewise clicking “Go to start” brings that section back into view.