Macro Language Functions
Total Functions: 461
Section | How Many |
General | 8 |
Variable | 8 |
Logical | 17 |
String | 32 |
Numeric | 30 |
Finance | 14 |
Date and Time | 35 |
Data | 34 |
Data Type | 13 |
Summary Aggregates | 19 |
List and Table | 56 |
Document and JSON | 18 |
Conversion and Formatting | 11 |
Color Support | 12 |
Image Support | 6 |
Template Processing | 28 |
Matrix | 7 |
User Profile | 2 |
User Interaction | 12 |
Geographic | 21 |
Web | 8 |
Catalog | 30 |
Configuration | 10 |
Miscellaneous | 7 |
MongoDB | 10 |
Other Database Support | 4 |
The availability of functions varies by Qarbine edition, release and other factors.
string = baseFileUrl(subPath1 [, subPathN...] )
Return the base file URL for images etc.
One or more strings may be concatenated together.
string = accessHostUrl(anyPortAndSubPath)
Return the host URL for web content.
string = computeHostUrl(anyPortAndSubPath)
Return the host URL for web content along with any string argument.
settings = settings( )
Return the list of end user settings.
Settings: [ {name, condition, entries [ {expression, isReadOnly} ] } ]
boolean = hostEnvironment(envAlias)
Get where we are running: qarbine, excel, etc.
boolean = isHostEnvironment(envAlias)
Use this to see if running regular Qarbine, as Excel Add-in, as Tableau plug-in etc.
string = env(aName)
For settings use only. Returns an environment variable given its name.
string = errorValue()
Return the error value constant.
boolean = isVariableDefined(varName 1 [,varName n] )
Return false if any variable in the list is not defined.
boolean = isVariableReadOnly(varName 1 [,varName n] )
Return false if any variables in the list are not read only
name = resultVariable(formula)
Return the result variable of the given formula, 'resultVariable = expression'.
data = scanForVariables(string)
Scan the string for block evaluations [! ... !] and @variable replacements.
data = scanFileForVariables(fullStoragePath | folderPath, name)
scanFileForVariables("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar", "A bunch of animals.txt")
scanFileForVariables("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar/A bunch of animals.txt")
Scan the contents of the file for block evaluations [! ... !] and @variable replacements.
This is short hand for scanForVariables( fileContent(....) )
setVariableReadOnly(varName 1 [,varName n] )
Set the variables to be read only.
object = value(variableName)
Return the variable with the given name. Useful when names are dynamic or concatenated.
nameAndValueList = allVariables( )
Return all of the variables in a list. The elements have name and value fields.
boolean = assert(value, type [, cancelMessage])
Return boolean of whether the value is the given type.
value = if(expression, useThisVaue, elseUseThisValue)
If the expression is true return the 2nd value otherwise the 3rd value.
value = ifNot(expression, useThisVaue, elseUseThisValue)
If the expression is false return the 2nd value otherwise the 3rd value.
value = ifNull(testValue, useThisVaue, elseUseThisValue)
If the expression is null return the 2nd value otherwise the 3rd value.
Convenience method for less verbose expressions.
value = ifNotNull(testValue, useThisVaue, elseUseThisValue)
If the expression is not null return the 2nd value otherwise the 3rd value.
Convenience method for less verbose expressions.
boolean = isEmpty(value [, value n] )
Return true if ALL of the values are either null, an empty Array or its string equivalent has length 0.
boolean = isNotEmpty(value [, value n] )
Return true if the values are either not null, an Array with length > 0 or its string equivalent has length > 0.
boolean = true()
Return the boolean true value.
boolean = false()
Return the boolean false value.
boolean = and(booleanExpressionList)
Return true if all expressions are true. Stop at FIRST false! If there are no arguments then return false.
boolean = or(booleanExpressionList)
Stop at FIRST true! If there are no true arguments then return false.
boolean = not(booleanExpression)
Boolean negates the expression value. Return false if there is no argument.
boolean = notBetween(value, low, high, lowValueInclusive, highValueInclusive)
Is the value <|<= low or >|>= high
boolean = between(value, low, high, lowValueInclusive, highValueInclusive)
Is the value >|>= low and <|<= high
integer = compare(string1, string2 [, locale [, caseInsensitive] ] )
Compare 2 strings. Return -1 when string1 < string2. Return 0 if equal. Return 1 otherwise.
result = compareValue(value1, value2, lessThanResult, equalResult, greaterThanResult, caseInsensitive)
Compare 2 values. Return lessThanResult when string1 < string2.
Return equalResult if equal.
Return greaterThanResult otherwise.
The default caseInsensitive is false and is only used with strings.
This means the string comparison with CC less than bb.
Upper case ASCII is less than lower case ASCII.
value = switch( expression, value1, result1, value2, result2, ... value_n, result_n [, default] )
If there are no matching values, and no default argument is supplied, the SWITCH function returns the #N/A! error.
number = asc(string)
Returns the ASCII value of a character or the first character in a string.
string = asText( separator, aList [, aList 2+] )
Return the lists concatenated into a single string with the given separator.
The separator is a string. Recognized keywords are comma, tab, and newLine.
string = char(numberOrAlias)
Returns the character based on the ASCII value.
Use an alias for some common Greek letters and math symbols:
alpha, beta, delta gamma, omega, infinity, pie, sigma, and lambda.
string = concat( string 1 [, string n] )
Concatenate the values into a single string.
A null value is deemed an empty string.
string = concatFields(object [,elementFields] )
Concatenate the fields of the given object into a single string.
A null value is deemed an empty string.
string = indent(howMany, string)
Prefix the string with the given number of spaces.
Shortcut instead of concat(pad(#), #value)
integer = indexOf(string, findString [, startingIndexBaseOne] )
Return the base one index of the findString in the given string.
integer = lastIndexOf(string, findString [, startingIndexBaseOne] )
Return the last base one index of the findString in the given string.
string = left(stringOrList, howMany [, stringSuffix] )
If the value is a string then return the first howMany characters.
If the value is an array then return the first howMany elements.
Otherwise JSON'ize the value and apply the string rule above.
For strings, if stringSuffix is defined then it is appended when the string is truncated.
integer = len(stringOrList)
Return the length of the string or array.
If the argument is neither then JSON'ize the value and get the length of that.
string = lower(string)
Return the lower case of the given string.
string = mid(string, startBaseOne, howMany)
Return the range of characters of the given string.
string = pad(string, toLength, [padCharacter, [left|right] ] )
Pad the string to the length using the padding character.
string = quote(value, singleQuoteFlag, unquoteVariableFlag)
Quote the value.
The singleQuoteFlag indicates if single quotes should enclose the string.
The unquoteVariableFlag indicates when the value replaces a variable that that value should be single quoted.
string = repeat(string, howMany)
Repeat the string howMany times.
string = removeHtmlTags(string)
Remove the <...> content from the string.
string = replace(string, oldText, newText [, allFlag [, caseInsensitiveFlag] ] )
Replace occurrences of oldText with newText in the string.
string = right(stringOrList, howMany [,stringPrefix] )
If the value is a string then return the last howMany characters.
If the value is an array then return the last howMany elements.
Otherwise JSON'ize the value and apply the string rule above.
For strings, if stringPrefix is defined then it is prepended when the string is truncated.
boolean = startsWith(string, matchString)
Return whether the string starts with the matchString.
boolean = endsWith(string, matchString)
Return whether the string ends with the matchString.
string = spaces(howMany)
Return a string with howMany spaces.
list = split(string, delimiter)
Create a list from the string splitting it up at the delimiter.
string = join(list, filler)
Join the list elements using the filler.
string = string(value)
Return the value as a string.
string = removeTags(string)
Remove tags such as '<..>' from the string argument.
string = substring(string, startBaseOne, endBaseOne)
Return a portion of the string.
string = trim(string, atCharacter)
Return a portion of the string using atCharacter as the stopping point.
string = upperCaseFirstLetter( string [, allWords] )
Upper case the first letter of space delimited words.
The allWords default is false.
string = uncamelize( string [, separator [,upperCaseFirstOption]] )
Default separator is _ if none has been provided.
Default upperCaseFirstOption is null.
The upperCaseFirstOption is either:
null - leave alone
true - make upper case
false - make lower case
Back to back capitals remain together (isIRA -> is IRA)
string = unquote(value)
Useful when we have block replacement [!...!] in a query and do not want the string double quoted upon replacement.
string = encoded(value [,unquoted] )
Return the URI encoding of the argument. Optionally unquote it.
string = upper(string)
Return the upper case of the given string.
number = abs(aNumber)
Return the absolute value of the number.
number = bigNumber(aString)
Convert the value into a BigNumber.
decimal = decimal(value)
Used to indicate decimal math evaluation. Convert the value into a BigNumber.
variable = decrement(variable [,initialValue])
Decrement the variable value with automatic initialization to 0 or the second argument.
If the first argument is the NAME of a variable (a String) then assign the new value.
There is no need for the resultVariable portion of the formula.
variable = increment(variable [,initialValue])
Increment the variable value with automatic initialization to 0 or the second argument.
If the first argument is the NAME of a variable (a String) then assign the new value.
There is no need for the resultVariable portion of the formula.
integer = int(string)
Convert the string into an integer.
boolean = isOdd(aNumber)
Is the number odd?
boolean = isEven(aNumber)
Is the number even?
number = mod(aNumber, aDivisor)
Return the remainder of aNumber divided by aDivisor
number = movingAverage(expression, howManyBack)
More a convenience function. Have a body cell.
resetIt = resetMovingAverage(resultName)
Reset the named moving average.
number = negate(number)
Negate the number.
A null or NaN value returns 0.
number = number(string)
Convert the string into a number.
A null or NaN value returns 0.
decimal = numberDecimal(string)
Convert the string into a number.
A null or NaN value returns 0.
decimal = decimal128LowHigh(low, high)
Create a JavaScript number from the Decimal128 low and high values.
Any null low or high value returns 0.
number = pow(aNumber, power)
Raise a number to the power.
number = random( [min, max] )
Return a random number between 0 and 1. Optionally have the number between the range given.
integer = round(value)
Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.
number = sqrt(aNumber)
Return the square root of the number.
integer = trunc(value)
Returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits.
number = avgOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the average of the arguments?
number = maxOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the maximum value of the arguments?
number = minOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the minimum value of the arguments?
number = medianOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the median value of the arguments?
value = modeOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the mode value of the arguments?
number = sumOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the sum of each of the arguments?
number = stDevOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the sample standard deviation of the arguments?
number = stDevPOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the population standard deviation of the arguments?
number = varOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the variance of the arguments?
number = varPOf(expr 1 [, expr n] )
What is the population variance of the arguments?
number = financeAM(principal, rate, total number of payments, [type])
Amortization is the paying off of debt with a fixed repayment schedule in regular installments over a period of time.1
number = financeCAGR(beginning value, ending value, number of periods)
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is the year-over-year growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time.
number = financeCI(rate, compoundings per period, principal, number of periods)
Compound Interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal and also
on the accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan.
number = financeDF(rate, number of periods)
The Discount Factor (DF) is the factor by which a future cash flow must be multiplied in order to obtain the present value.
number = financeFV(rate, cash flow, number of periods)
Future Value (FV) is the value of an asset or cash at a specified date in the future that is equivalent in value to a specified sum today
number = financeIRR(initial investment, [cash flows ...])
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the discount rate often used in capital budgeting
that makes the net present value of all cash flows from a particular project equal to zero.
number = financeLR(total liabilities, total debts, total income)
Leverage Ratio (LR) is used to calculate the financial leverage of a company or individual
to get an idea of the methods of financing or to measure ability to meet financial obligations.
number = financeNPV(rate, initial investment, [cash flows])
Net Present Value (NPV) compares the money received in the future to an amount of money
received today, while accounting for time and interest [through the discount rate].
It's based on the principal of time value of money (TVM), which explains how time affects monetary value.
number = financePP(number of periods, [cash flows])
Payback Period (PP) is the length of time required to recover the cost of an investment.
number of periods takes a 0 value for even cash flows;
for uneven cash flows, number of periods takes any number of projected periods.
number = financePV(rate, cash flow)
Present Value (PV) is the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of return.
number = financePI(rate, initial investment, [cash flows])
Profitability Index (PI) is an index that attempts to identify the relationship between
the costs and benefits of a proposed project through the use of a ratio calculated.
number = financeROI(initial investment, earnings)
Return on Investment (ROI) is a simple calculation that tells you the bottom line return of any investment.
number = financeR72(rate)
Rule of 72 (R72) is a rule stating that in order to find the number of years required
to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72.
number = financeWACC(market value of equity, market value of debt, cost of equity, cost of debt, tax rate)
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the rate that a company is expected to pay on
average to all its security holders to finance its assets.
Date and Time
integer = currentDayOfMonth()
Return 2 digit day of month base ONE relative to the USER.
integer = currentMonth( )
Return month number base ONE relative to the USER.
integer = currentWeek( )
Return week number base ONE relative to the USER.
integer = currentQuarter(quarterStartMonthBaseOne, useUtcDate)
Return the current quarter.
integer = currentYear( )
Return the current year as a 4 digit year.
dateList = quarterToDateRange(number, year, quarterStartBaseOne, useUtcDate)
Returns an array with 2 Date elements.
number = dateDiff(date1, date2 [,units [,floatFlag] ] )
The supported measurements are years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and ms.
The default unit of measure is ms (milliseconds).
The return is a positive number if date1 is before date2.
Logically this is date2 - date1, or date1 + answer = date2.
date = dateMinus(date, number, units[, number, units] )
Return the date minus the other value.
date = datePlus(date, number, units [, number, units] )
Return the date plus the other value.
string = dateToString(date, template, options...)
Return the date as a string using the given template.
value = dateUtcProperty(date, property [,property...])
Property names: year, month, quarter, day, hour, minute, second, ms, millisecond.
value = dateProperty(date, property [,property...])
Property names: year, month, quarter, day, hour, minute, second, ms, millisecond.
string = dayName(date or 1To7, shortFlag, mondayIsDay1Flag)
Return the day name of the given date or from the day of the week index (1-7).
The default day of week indices are Sunday as 1 through Saturday as 7.
Specify the mondayIsDay1Flag for Monday as 1 through Sunday as 7.
string = dayNameAt(indexSundayIsOne, shortFlag, sundayIsDay1Flag)
Return the day name for the day of the week number.
The default day of week indices are Monday as 1 through Sunday as 7 per ISO.
Specify the sundayIsDay1Flag for Sunday as 1 through Saturday as 7.
boolean = isLeapYear(year)
Return if the year is a leap year.
date = datefromTimeframe(howMany [, units])
The units default is 'seconds'.
Date = isoDate(string)
Convert the ISO formatted date string into a date.
Date = shiftDateByTimezoneOffset(date)
Shift the date by the offset from GMT.
This provides for easier timestamp presentation.
Date = utcToLocal(date)
Convert the UTC formatted date string into a date.
Use this when the data is stored as UTC.
string = monthName(date or 1To12, shortFlag)
Return the date's month name from the date or the month index (1-12).
date = newDate(IsoDateString)
date = newDate(milliseconds)
newDate(monthNdxBaseOne, dayNdxBaseOne, year [, hours, minutes, seconds] )
Create a date.
A first value of 0 returns the current date.
A first value more than 12 indicates a milliseconds argument. Otherwise it is the month index base one.
date = now( )
Return the current date.
date = nowMinus(number, units [,number, units] )
Return the current date minus the given number of units.
date = nowPlus(number, units [,number, units] )
Return the current date plus the given number of units.
date = setDateToMidnight(date)
Set the date's time portion to midnight.
zero out the time pieces nearest midnight in the past
date = setDateStart(date, 'year|month|quarter|week|day|hour|minute|second')
Return a new date with the starting date based on the 2nd argument.
date = setDateEnd(date, 'year|month|quarter|week|day|hour|minute|second')
Return a new date with the end date based on the 2nd argument.
date = setDayOfMonth(date, dayOfMonthBaseOne | 'first'| 'last')
Return a new date with the day of month adjusted per argument 2.
minutes = timezoneOffsetInHours()
Return user time relative to GMT. IGNORES daylight savings time!
It may be a fraction!
minutes = timezoneOffsetInMinutes()
Return user time relative to GMT. IGNORES daylight savings time!
date = today( [deltaDays] )
Return today's END date optionally plus or minus the given number of days.
date = tomorrow( [deltaDays] )
Return the date for END of tomorrow optionally plus or minus the given number of days.
date = yesterday( [deltaDays] )
Return the date for START of yesterday optionally plus or minus the given number of days.
boolean = within(#, units [, #, units] )
An alias for nowMinus(), maps to regEx in QBE world.
integer = year(date)
Return the date's year.
clazz = classNamed( [JavaScript|language...], className)
Return the given meta class.
list = dataServiceDriverNames( )
Return the list of data service driver names.
list = dataServiceNames( [onlyDatabaseOnes] , [onlyActiveOnes] )
Return the list of data service names.
For an administrator account, ALL data service names are returned by default regardless of visibility.
Use the 2nd argument to return only the active and visible ones.
Default is all of them.
dataServices = dataServices()
This includes Static, Formula, and REST data services.
These are objects with fields including name and driverName.
list = scanCatalogReferences(allFlag, sortByPath)
Return information on component references.
The allFlag default is false. Only missing references will be returned.
The sortByPath default is false with a sort order of status, folder path, and name.
When sortByPath is true the sort order is folder path, name and status.
list = logPrincipalNames( )
Return a list of principal names in the application log.
string = accessLevel(accessLevelCode)
Use for reports which contain principals.
string = accessLevelImage(accessLevelCode)
Use for reports which contain principals.
string = enabledFor(enabledForCode)
Use for reports which contain resources, storage zones, and data services.
The stored enabledFor value is the numeric code.
string = usage(usageCode)
Use for reports which contain principals.
result = activeDataFetcher( )
Return an object with any active dataServiceName and dataSourceName.
result = retrieveData(dataService, query [,database [,maxSize] ])
Retrieve data using the data service and other parameters.
data = dataSourceData(catalogPath, componentName)
Return data by running the given data source.
value = emptyCell()
Return an empty string. May use this with If(...) for example.
boolean = endOfData(overallFlag)
Return if the current data retrieval is at its end of data.
list = useAsNewDataList(list)
Can be used in conjunction with gatherData() when some post processing of the retrieved answer set list is wanted.
For example, useAsNewList( listSlice( gatherData(), 3) )
Use this on a group header to replace that group's active list driving its inner sections with this one.
Do NOT use this function with any playback using cache turned on- useAsNewdataList().
list = gatherData(useAsNewList)
Obtain all of the data from the current data source.
value = getNext()
Return the next element from the active data retrieval.
value = getNextAfterEvaluation( expression )
Return the next element from the active data retrieval after evaluating the expression.
After the current cell obtains its results, a call is made to get the next data element.
This allows the next cell to then do anything with the just fetched data element.
You can have several of these on the same line as a way to traverse the answer set across the line rather
than waiting until the end of the section to read the next element.
At the end of the section a call to get the next element will be made.
So, do not have the last cell on the line have getNextAfterEvaluation() because
the data read by that call will go into the bit bucket when the section does it standard
call to get the next element.
A similar consideration is in play when the getNext() function is used.
result = getCachedSchema(dataService, database, collection, structureFlag, ifNoneThenBuildFlag)
Return the cached schema associated with the given dataService's database collection .
Use a structureFlag of true to return an object as described by getSchemaStructure().
Otherwise a list of properties is returned.
This is based on a point in time sampling and may not map to all objects.
The schema can be redetermined using the various Qarbine querying tools.
list = cachedSchemas(dataService database, namesOnly)
Return a list of cached schemas for the given data service.
The default namesOnly value is false.
result = getSchemaAnalysis(dataService, database, collection, structureFlag)
Return the schema associated with the given dataService's database collection.
If the database is null or empty, then any database value of the dataService is used.
The results are cached in the catalog.
Use a structureFlag of true to return an object as described by getSchemaStructure().
Otherwise a list of properties is returned.
This is based on a point in time sampling and may not map to all objects.
The schema can be redetermined using the various Qarbine querying tools.
result = getSchemaStructure(cachedSchema, structureFlag)
Return an object with fields and data types based on the Qarbine cached schema information.
This is based on a point in time sampling and may not map to all objects.
The schema can be redetermined using the various Qarbine querying tools.
list = getDistinctValues(dataService, database, collection, fieldPath [,howMany] )
Return the distinct values when using the data service and other parameters.
boolean = hasMoreData()
Return whether there is more data in the active data retrieval.
object = getMetadata()
Get any metadata from the active data source.
With the GremlinDriver, if there are any gremlin path hints then always create the nodes and links in the metadata.
The metadata also has pathHints, and pathHintsActions.
list[nodes, links] = getMetadataNodesAndLinks(asIsFlag)
Get any nodes and links content from the active data source's metadata.
With the GremlinDriver, if there are any gremlin path hints then always create the nodes and links data.
For example, %%gremlin v, inv, outv, ine, e ...
If asIsFlag is false then nodes are just strings and links have from and to fields.
The result is a list of nodes with a name field and a list of links with source, target, and name fields.
reader = newDataReader(aList)
return a data reader for the list.
value = nullValue()
Return the null value.
content = resource(name [, includeContent] )
Return the named resource.
content = resourceAsImage(imageResourceName)
Return the named image oriented resource.
value = undefinedValue()
Return the undefined value.
object = usageStatistics(startDate, endDate)
Return usage statistics between the given dates.
object = trialStatistics( )
Return trial statistics.
Data Type
string = clazz(value)
Return name of class or type of object.
See also objectClass(value)
value = ifError(expression, alternateValue)
Return the alternate value is the expression evaluates to an error value.
boolean = isBoolean(value [, value n] )
Return true if the value is a boolean.
boolean = isDate(value [, value n] )
Return true if the values are all dates.
boolean = isDecimal(value [, value n] )
Return true if the values are all Decimal objects.
boolean = isDocument(value)
Return true if the values are all of type object.
boolean = isNotNull(value [,value n] )
Return true if the value(s) are all not null. This is a soft comparison.
boolean = isNull(value [,value n] )
Return true if the values are null. This is a soft comparison.
boolean = isList(value [,value n] )
Return true if the value is an array list.
boolean = isNumber(value [,value n] )
Return true if the values are numeric in nature.
boolean = isObject(value)
Return true if the values are of type object.
boolean = isString(value)
Return true if the values are of type string.
string = typeOf(value)
Return the value's type. An Array's type is 'list'.
Summary Aggregates
value = avg(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform an average aggregate calculation.
list = collect(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform an collecting aggregate calculation.
value = count(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a count aggregate calculation.
list = distinctCount(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a distinct count aggregate calculation.
list = distinctCountOf(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a distinct count of a particular value aggregate calculation.
value = first(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a first aggregate calculation.
value = last(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a last aggregate calculation.
value = max(value1, value2)
Perform a maximum aggregate calculation.
value = min(value1, value2)
Perform a minimum aggregate calculation.
value = median(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a media aggregate calculation.
value = mode(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a mode aggregate calculation.
value = sum(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a summation aggregate calculation.
value = stDev(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a standard deviation aggregate calculation.
value = stDevP(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a standard deviation of population aggregate calculation.
value = var(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a variance aggregate calculation.
value = varP(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a variance of population aggregate calculation.
minMaxList = range(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a range aggregate calculation.
dataObject = trackMaxElement(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a maximum value aggregate calculation.
dataObject = trackMinElement(expression [,triggerExpression [, resetExpression] ] ) postExpression
Perform a minimum value aggregate calculation.
List and Table
value = listAt(list, first|end|last|indexBaseOne, ifNoneValue)
Return the element at the given index or alias (first, end, or last) position.
element = listAddElement(listOrVariableName, expr1 [,expr n] )
Add an element to an already defined list.
Return the last added element.
list = listAdd(listOrVariableName, expr1 [,expr n] )
Add an element to a list. Create the list if null.
newList = listAppendList(list1OrVariableName [,list n] )
Add a list of elements to a list.
list = listAppendValueToBuffer(listOrVariableName, expr1 [,expr n - 1], atMostCount)
Add elements to a list and insure the size is not exceeded.
list = listDistinctValues(list, field, sortDirection)
Return the distinct values in the list for the given field.
list = listFromField(sourceList, elementFieldPath [,ifNullValue] )
Return a list from the source object field path.
If any value is null along the way return errorValue().
The elementFieldPath may be a dotted path.
list = listFromListElementExpression(sourceList, elementExpression)
Gather a list of values by evaluating the elementExpression for each element in the sourceList.
list = listFromString(csv | json | tsv, string, [firstHasFieldNames] )
Return a list by parsing elements in the string.
For CSV and TSV, indicate if the first line contains the field names. The default is false.
If so then the list of complex objects is returned.
If not then the string itself is the list of simple values.
For JSON if the value is not a string then a list with one element is returned.
Use jsonWithPrefix in situations such as when AI may return text with literally a 'json' string prefix.
list = insureList(value)
If the value is not an array, then return an array with that element.
Useful when passing in variables. Below is an example with @type
db.animals.find( {type: {$in : [! insureList(@type) !] } } ).sort( {type:1} )
list = listWith(expr 1 [,expr n] )
Return a list with the given values.
Null values are skipped!
list = listWithSequence(fromNumber, toNumber [, delta] )
Return a list with values across the given sequence.
list = idListWith(valueFieldName, [id 1, value 1...] )
Create a list with elements containing an ID field and a valueFieldName field.
The first element's key is argument 1 and its value argument 2, etc.
Useful for creating lookup tables.
list = listFromLists(list 1 [,list ... , list4] )
Combine multiple lists into a single list. A null value is deemed an empty list.
This returns a list so that it can be used for a group data formula
such as 'listFromLists(@moviesElement.writers, @moviesElement.actors)'.
The elements of the single list have fields of elm1, elm2, elm3, and elm4..
The values are the corresponding elements form the input lists.
Useful for multi-column group across multiple lists (movies.writers, movies.actors).
listOfElements = listSlice(list, howManyPieces, formatByRows)
The given list is sliced into the given number of sublists.
The Sublists are then merged into a list with up to howManyPieces elements per row.
Access each pieces with field alias of the format 'elm##' (elm1, elm2, etc.).
A list with 7 elements sliced 3 ways returns a new list.
The rows 1 through 2 have 3 values each and the 4th 1.
A formatByRows of true means values flow across the rows and downward.
A false means format by columns (down and then across).
list = listReduce(sourceList, keyFieldList [, valueFieldList] )
If keyFieldList is empty then just create a new list with the subset of fields.
list = listRemoveNulls(list)
Return the list with any nulls removed from the list argument.
list = listRemoveValues(list, matchValue [,matchValue n] )
Return the list with any match values removed from the list argument.
If the 2nd argument is a list, then it is used as arguments 2..n!
number = listAvg(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the average of the list.
number = listMax(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the maximum value in the list.
number = listMin(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the minimum value in the list.
number = listMedian(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the median value in the list.
number = listMode(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the mode value in the list.
number = listStDev(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the standard deviation of the list.
number = listStDevP(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the standard deviation of the population of the list.
number = listVar(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the variance of the list.
number = listVarP(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the variance of the population of the list.
list = listSize(aList)
Return the size of the list.
number = listSum(objectArray [, elementFieldPath] )
Return the summation of the list.
number = listSum(objectArray, elementFieldPath, matchValue)
Return the count of the matching values in the list.
boolean = listContains(list, value|list [,startingIndexBaseOne] )
Return if the list contains the value.
If the value argument is also a list then iterate through those elements for the comparison.
The comparisons are simple values such as strings and numbers.
integer = listIndexOf(list, value [,startingIndexBaseOne] )
Return the index of the value in the list (base one).
integer = listLastIndexOf(list, value [,startingIndexBaseOne] )
Return the last index of the value in the list (base one).
filter = createFilter(propertyType, propertyName, simpleClause)
Create a filter object which can be used by listFiltered(...).
list = listFiltered(list, filter[1..n])
Filter elements are created via createFilter(...)
newList = listReverse(list)
Reverse the elements of the list.
list = listShallowCopy(list)
Return a copy of the list.
string = listToParagraph(aList, sortKeys, elementFieldsList, skipFieldsList, lineBetweenElements, treatAsKeyValuePair, maxElements)
Convert the elements in the list to a text oriented paragraph.
The default sortKeys is false.
Optionally sort them in a case insensitive order.
The default elementFieldsList is an empty list. A '*' means all fields as well.
The default skipFieldsList is an empty list.
The default lineBetweenElements is false.
The default treatAsKeyValuePair is false. Use true if the elements have 2 fields such as a key and a value and you only their their respective values.
The maxElements indicates the most number of elements to convert. 100 is the default.
list = listSort(list, elementFieldName, [asc|desc|ascIns|descIns], dataType)
Sort the list using the parameters provided.
This is an IN-PLACE sort. Consider listShallowCopy().
The default dataType is 'string' and sort is case sensitive ascending.
ascIns is for ascending with case insensitivity and descIns for descending with case insensitivity.
list = listTruncate(aList, maxSize)
Truncate the list if it exceeds the maximum size.
tracker = listTrackerUsing(keyField(s) [, onlyCareAboutValues, trackOtherValuesFlag] )
Create a tracker which is then used within an inner group or body via listTrackerAdd(...).
You can specify which values you want to track and whether to also track values not in the explicit list.
At a group summary or another group you can then iterate through the tracked values via listTrackerAsList(...).
Compound keys result in values separated by commas. Basically CSV format.
boolean = listTrackerAdd(@tracker, object)
Return true if all of the key fields were not null.
Return false if all of the key fields were not null.
list = listTrackerAsList(@tracker)
Return a list with elements of {key: key's value, list: list of objects with that key}
value = rangeCompare(value, operator, value1, test1, value2, test2, n...)
value = rangeCompare(rating, '<', "red", 5, "blue", 7, "green", 10.1)
Return red if the rating is less than 5.
Return blue if the rating is less than 7.
Return green if the rating is less than 10.1. So that a 10 is still green.
value = firstNotNullValue(expr1, expr2, ...)
Returns the FIRST non null value.
If none then returns error value.
value = lastNotNullValue(expr1, expr2, ...)
Returns the LAST non null value
If none then returns error value.
integer = rangeTest(value, test1, test2, test n...)
If value < test1 return 0.
If value < test2 return 1.
If value < test3 return 2.
Otherwise returns argument count.
table = createLookupTableWith(key1, value1 [, key2, value2 ...])
Create a lookup table using the provided key\value pairs.
table = createLookupTable(sourceList, keyField, valueField [,keyPrefix] )
Create a lookup table from the list using the associated key and value field.
Can use the table with lookupTableAdd() and lookupTableAt().
value = lookupTableAdd(sourceTable, object, keyValueOrNull, valueOrNull)
Add a lookup entry based on an object.
If the keyValueOrNull is null then the lookup table's default key field of the object is used as the key.
If the valueOrNull is null then the lookup table's default value field of the object is used as the value.
The object may be a list of objects to add as well. If so any key and value arguments are element field names.
table = createDbLookupTable( dataService, database, collection, keyField, csvValueFields, ifNotFoundValue, readNow, isSingleFieldObject)
Create a lookup table from running a query using the given data service.
Use the table variable argument in lookupTableAsList().
The initial elements loaded are truncated to 1000 elements.
list = lookupTableAsList(sourceTable [, sortByField [, haveStrings] ] )
Create a list from the contents of the lookup table.
value = dbLookupTableAt(tableVariable, keyValue, ifNotFoundValue)
Lookup a value in the given lookup table. Perform a remote query as necessary.
value = lookupTableAt( table, key, ifNotFound)
Lookup a value in the given lookup table.
xyrDocument = xyr(x, y [, z] )
Create an object with x, y, and z fields.
Convenience method for charting with x, y, and radius.
document = cjsElement(x, y [ , v [, r [, c [, t] ] )
Chart.js data set data element builder.
Creates a document with well known fields
x Used for X coordinate
y Used for Y coordinate
v Used for label
r Used for radius (in pixels) for bubble charts only
c Used for background color in dataset.backgroundColor()
t Used for text color in plugins.datalabels()
Document and JSON
string = keyValuesAsParagraph(keyValuesList [, sortKeys [, skipKeyList [, uncamelizeOption] ] ])
Iterate through the key\value list and create a paragraph.
The key label may be uncamelized based on the uncamelizeFlag value.
Optionally sort them in a case insensitive order.
list = documentFieldNames(object [, sortKeys] )
Return the field names of the given object.
Optionally sort them in a case insensitive order.
list = documentFieldsToList(object [sortKeys [, elementFields] ] )
Return the field values of the object for the given field names.
Optionally sort them in a case insensitive order.
object = subdocument(object [, sortKeys, [elementFieldsList [,skipFieldsList] ] ])
Create a new object from the given object's specified fields.
string = documentToParagraph(object [, sortKeys, [elementFieldsList [,skipFieldsList] ] ])
Return a string with a line for each key\value pair of the document.
keyValuesList = documentToKeyValues(object [, sortKeys [, skipNulls] ] )
Return a list of elements with key and its value the given object.
i.e., [ {_id : x, version: "4.0"}, ...]
Optionally sort them in a case insensitive order.
value = documentProperty2(object, dottedPathOrList [,ifNullValue, [,ignoreDots] ] )
Return the value of the field indicated by the dotted path string.
Optionally pass in the path as a list of fields.
If the object is null then just return null.
If any value in the path is null or an empty string then return ifNullValue.
value = documentProperty(object, dottedPathOrList [,ifNullValue, [,ignoreDots] ] )
Return the value of the field indicated by the dotted path string.
Optionally pass in the path as a list of fields.
If the object is null then just return null.
If any value in the path is null or an empty string then return ifNullValue.
value = prop(object, dottedPath [,ignoreDots])
A short alias for documentProperty().
value = jsonParse(string)
Create an object from a JSON string.
value = convertJsonFields(source, jsonField1 [,jsonField n] )
For each JSON field name, parse it and set it back into the source.
Use this when databases return the JSON string itself instead of the expanded JSON object.
Return the source as the result.
document = documentFromJson(string)
The is the same as jsonParse(string)
document = documentAdd(targetDocument, document 1 [,document n] )
Add or replace fields in the target document with those from the other documents.
Return the result.
object = documentAddKeyValues(object, keyPath, value [, keyPath_n, value_n] }
Set the field values(s) of the object.
The setting of values is done in-place. No copying of the object is done.
The recommended style is
foo = documentAddKeyValues(@foo, 'key', 1234)
This creates the 'foo' variable object on the fly if it is currently null.
To add multiple values to a single object use
foo = documentAddKeyValues(@foo, 'key1', 1, 'key2', 2, ...)
nodesAndLinks = mergeNodesAndLinks(lookUp1, links)
nodesAndLinks = mergeNodesAndLinks(lookUp1, links, nodeIdField, linkSourceField, linkTargetField, nodeNameFields, excludeLabel)
nodesAndLinks = mergeNodesAndLinks(lookUp1, lookUp2, links, nodeIdField, linkSourceField, linkTargetField, nodeNameFields, excludeLabel)
The lookup arguments are objects created by createLookupTable(). There may be 1 or 2 of them.
The links argument is an array.
These 3 *Field arguments are strings.
The default linkSourceField is 'source'.
The default linkTargetField is 'target'.
The nodeNameFields is a prioritized list of field names for node names used in the diagram display.
The excludeLabel indicates to exclude the node Label in its displayed value.
Create an object with nodes and links fields.
If nodeIdField is set then the source/target values map to that field within the node.
object = documentFromKeyValues(field1, value1 [field n, value n] )
Create an object using the given keys and values.
boolean = setVariablesFromDocument(object1, [object n] )
For each object, iterate over its keys and assign variables
based on those key names the value of the corresponding field.
value = setVariable(name, value)
Set the variable named by the first argument to the 2nd argument value.
Conversion and Formatting
string = treeIndent(howManyLevels, text [, ifNoText [, useSlash] ] )
Return a string with indentation prefix characters.
string = arrow( [left|right|up|down|upDown|leftRight|ne|nw|se|sw] [, leftPadding, rightPadding] )
Return the string representing the given character alias.
value = convert(fromType, toType, value, ifNullValue)
fromType: string, number, base64
string -> date, number, integer, boolean
hex -> integer
number -> string, date
base64 -> binary
array -> base64
string = json(data [, suppressNulls , spacing] )
The true|false argument is whether to suppress nulls.
The spacing value is per JSON.stringify API argument.
string = formatByteSize(number, separator)
Format a number using bytes, KB, MG, GB, or TB.
string = formatHertz(number, separator)
Format a number using Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, or THz.
string = format(data, dataType, template, options...)
dataType options: List, Boolean, CSV, Date, DateRange, DateOnly, JSON, Number, Suppress, Time
DateRange templates: 'days', 'weeks', 'months', or 'years' plus optional 'asInteger'.
value = numberOrZero(value)
Return the number or 0 if the value is not a number.
string = stringFormat(template, value 1, value n)
Replace {number} placeholders in the template with the corresponding argument.
string = str(value)
Return the string version of the object.
string = stringMask(mask, value [,rightToLeft] )
0 Any numbers
9 Any numbers (Optional)
Any numbers (recursive)
A Any alphanumeric character
a Any alphanumeric character (Optional) Not implemented yet
S Any letter
U Any letter (All lower case character will be mapped to uppercase)
L Any letter (All upper case character will be mapped to lowercase)
$ Escape character, used to escape any of the special formatting characters.
Color Support
rgbList = colorRange(howMany)
Generate a range of RGB colors for the given number of colors.
rgbColor = complementaryTextColor(aNameOrHexRGB)
If the argument is a dark color then return white, otherwise return black.
value = defaultColor()
The content presenters know the defaults based on foreground or background context.
XX = tohex(number, padToDigits)
return the number as a hexidecimal string.
Optional padToDigits to prefix with '0' to that many total digits.
#rrggbb = heatMapColor(low, high, value, colorRange, softColors)
Converts the value into a heat map color.
The color ranges are redToBlue, blueToRed, yellowToBlue.
The redToBlue color range is the default.
Use softColors of true for less intense colors.
#rrggbbaa = hexColor(r, g, b, [a] )
Returns the hex color representation for the RGB values.
boolean = isColorDark(aNameOrHexRGB)
Is the color a dark one?
boolean = isColorLight(aNameOrHexRGB)
Is the color a light one?
value = normalizeColor(aName)
Normalize the color name.
Allow 'Lemon Chiffon' to be 'lemonchiffon' so that downstream things match up.
rgbString = rgb(r, g, b)
Returns the string rgb(#,#,#).
Used by Chart.js world for color formulas.
See also hexColor() below.
rgbaString = rgba(r, g, b, a)
Returns the string rgba(#, #, #, #)
Used by Chart.js world for color formulas.
See also hexColor() below.
color = zebraColor( [oddColor] )
Return alternating colors based on data retrieval element fetching.
Shorthand for, if (isOdd(@objectNumber), '#ffecb3bf', null)
Image Support
imagePath = classImage(className [,wantTransparent] )
imagePath = classImage(object [,wantTransparent] )
Return the image path for the component class name.
imagePath = commonImage(alias, optionalArgument)
Return the image path for the alias.
Recognized names: askAI, error, help, file, fileBW, folder, folderBW, link, privateFolder, qarbine, www, and vendor+optionalArgument.
Recognized actions: edit, open, view, and run.
Data type images are also available.
Array, binary, boolean, Color, Document, Date, dateOnly, time
bigint, BigDecimal, BigNumber, Decimal, Decimal128, $numberDecimal,
$numberDouble, $numberInt, $numberLong, $date, Integer, Map
Number, Object, ObjectId, string, symbol.
imagePath = objectClass(objectOrReference)
Return the class of the Qarbine component object.
boolean = objectClassIs(objectOrReferenceClass, 'isSomeResultClass' | 'isRunnableClass' | 'isReferenceableClass' )
Return the status of the Qarbine component object. The argument is case sensitive.
Aliases for the 2nd argument are SomeResult, Runnable, and Referenceable.
imagePath = objectClassImage(clazz | Object | Reference)
Return the image path for the Qarbine component's class
imagePath = objectActionImage( 'open' | 'run' | 'edit' | 'copyReference' )
Return the image path for the Qarbine action.
Template Processing
string = activeLevel()
Return the active template level.
For example '1.1'.
string = activeSection()
Return the active template section.
For example: PH, RH, GH, body, GS, RS, PF.
string = activeLocation()
Return the active template location.
Proactively cancel the template running.
integer = currentLineNumber()
Return the current output line number.
integer = currentPageNumber()
Return the current output page number.
string = nextCell()
Return the next output cell alias.
Used by some custom cells which interact based on the next or previous cell.
string = previousCell()
Return the previous output cell alias.
Used by some custom cells which interact based on the next or previous cell.
boolean = doingPageBreak()
Return whether a page break is active.
boolean = doingLastPageFooter()
Return whether processing the last page footer.
boolean = onLevel(aLevel)
Return whether processing is on the given level.
boolean = onBody([level])
Return whether processing is on a section.
boolean = onGroupHeader(level)
Return whether processing is on a group header section.
boolean = onGroupSummary(level)
Return whether processing is on a group summary section.
boolean = onReportHeader()
Return whether processing is on the report header section.
boolean = onReportSummary()
Return whether processing is on the report summary section.
integer = pointsLeftOnPage()
Return how many points are left on the current page.
integer = pointPosition()
Return the current page location in points.
boolean = pageCannotFitLines(howManyLines [,pointSize] )
Return whether the current page can NOT fit the additional number of lines.
Basically the inverse of canPageFitLines().
Convenient to use for page breaking in a positive function manner.
boolean = canPageFitLines(howManyLines [,pointSize] )
Return whether the current page can NOT fit the additional number of lines.
Assumes 14 points per line.
boolean = canPageFitPoints(numberOfPoints)
Return whether the current page can fit the given number of points.
boolean = pageCannotFitPoints(numberOfPoints)
Basically the inverse of canPageFitPoints().
Convenient to use for page breaking in a positive function manner.
boolean = skipRestOfSection(boolean [,boolean...])
If any boolean is true then skip over the rest of the lines of the current section.
This avoids having to place process conditions on subsequent section lines.
value = finalPageNumber(originalPageNumber)
Return the total number of pages.
status = annotateResult(key1, value1, etc. )
Add an annotation to the result component.
number = pot(thisValue, totalValue)
Perform a percent of total calculation.
The first expression value is obtained during the first pass.
That value is then divided by the total value variable reference when the latter is set.
value = twoPass(pass1Expression, pass2Expression) postExpression
Perform a two pass calculation using at least the first 2 expressions.
The first expression value is obtained during the first pass.
After the first pass completes, the second expression is evaluated with @cellValue being available.
That result is then evaluated with any optional post expression.
The cell suppress and color expressions may reference @pass1Value and @cellValue values.
[result] = triggerFormula(baseExpression, triggerKey, finalExpression)
Perform baseExpression and save the result for later.
When the section triggerKey completes such as '1.1 GS' then
evaluate finalExpression with @cellValue as the baseExpression result.
The cell suppress and color expressions may reference @pass1Value and @cellValue values.
number = matrixAvg(lineContextValue, condition, value, ifNoneValue)
Determine the average of data retrieval elements while the condition is true.
string = matrixContext(label, lineContextValue)
Set the matrix evaluation context for other matrix macros.
Consider a company name of Foo and using the ID as the context value.
integer = matrixCount(lineContextValue, condition, value, ifNoneValue)
Determine the count of data retrieval elements while the condition is true.
integer = matrixLastCount()
How many objects were traversed performing the last matrix cell operation?
number = matrixMax(lineContextValue, condition, value, ifNoneValue)
Determine the maximum value of data retrieval elements while the condition is true.
number = matrixMin(lineContextValue, condition, value, ifNoneValue)
Determine the minimum value of data retrieval elements while the condition is true.
number = matrixSum(lineContextValue, condition, value, ifNoneValue)
Determine the sum of data retrieval elements while the condition is true.
User Profile
string = signedOnAccount()
Return the signed on user account.
list = signedOnTags()
Return the sign on account's tags as set by the Qarbine administrator.
User Interaction
value = call( receiver, functionName [, argument...] )
Perform a function call in the receiver object.
action = componentObjectAction([run,open, edit, copyReference], catalogObject, key1, value1, key2, value2...)
Create an action object. Used by cell pop up menus and custom button cells.
action = componentAction([run|open], class, fullFolderPath, name, key1, value1, key2, value2...)
Create an action object. Used by cell pop up menus and custom button cells.
Mainly a drill down support function
Argument options for class, fullFolderPath, name
- fullReference, null, null
This is useful when pasting in component reference links. - clazz, restOfReference, null
- clazz, fullPath, name
action = componentOpen(componentObjectOrReference)
Return an action that when invoked opens a component editor.
action = dialogAction(title, key1, value1, ...)
Return an action that when invoked opens a dialog.
Mainly a drill down support function.
action = javaScriptAction(targetObjectName, fnName, value1, value2...)
Return an action that when invoked performs the JavaScript action.
Mainly a drill down support function.
For targetObject, use 'window' for the window object.
"tool" is our well known global.
All arguments MUST be JSON'able.
action = googleAction(what [, areaName])
See CustomCellGoogleSearchRenderer for details.
action = weatherForecastAction(longitude, latitude)
Return an action that when invoked opens for the given coordinates.
action = urlAction(URL, Get|Post, key1, value1, key2, value2...)
action = urlAction(URL, Get|Post, encodedString)
action = urlAction(URL, Get|Post, concat(...) )
Return an action that when invoked opens the URL.
Mainly a drill down support function.
ALWAYS opening another tab via target=_blank.
key1 starts at zero base index 2
action = askAiAction(text, aiAlias, options)
The first argument is the prompt fully formed. Consider using concat(...) operations.
Use an AI alias of 'explain' to only see what would have been sent to the backend AI service.
This is basically a completion() call for a menu option.
action = askAiPromptAction(fullComponentPath, aiAlias, options, variableName1, value1, variableName2, value2...)
Use this for menu options.
The parameters are the same as for askAiPrompt().
action = askAiPrompt(pathToFileWithPrompt, aiAlias, options, variableName1, value1, variableName2, value2...)
Provide the path to the File in the catalog containing the prompt text.
It may have [! ... !] expressions or basic variable references @varName.
The variables are provided in order to fill in these placeholders.
The variableName of 'error' is reserved.
The 'reportContent', 'reportSummaryContent' and 'groupContent' are special value references and are
dynamically set to the TSV text for consumption by any File component placeholders.
Use an AI alias of 'explain' to only see what would have been sent to the backend AI service.
{long, lat} = addressLocation(streetAddress)
Return coordinates by looking up the given address.
code2 = countryCode3To2(code3)
Decode the 3 character country code into the 2 character country code.
name = countryCode2ToName(countryCode2)
Decode the 2 character country code into the country name.
name = countryCode2ToName(countryCode3)
Decode the 3 character country code into the country name.
code2 = countryNameToCode2(properName)
Encode the country name to its 2 character country code.
code3 = countryNameToCode3(properName)
Encode the country name to its 3 character country code.
distance = geoDistance(fromLatLong, toLatLong [, 'meters'] )
Return the geographic distance between the two coordinates.
Here is an example using names, geoDistance( addressLocation("Boston") , addressLocation("New York") )
The default is kilometers.
about = ipLocation(IPAddress [,granularity] )
Return a geo coordinate for the IP address.
The optional 2nd argument indicates the level of granularity.
It can be ASN, city, or country. The default is city.
Use loc = ipLocation('') and then have other cells grab from the loc variable.
{stuff} = whoIs(host)
Perform an ICANN lookup for the given host.
ipAddress = dnsResolve(host)
Perform a DNS resolution of the name to an IP address relative to the Qarbine server.
number = metersToMiles(number)
Convert meters to miles.
number = milesToMeters(number)
Convert miles to meters.
holder = multipolygonFromGeoJsonHolder(geoJsonPolygon, label)
Create a polygon holder.
shape = mapPolygon(listOfLongLat [, lineColor [, fillColor [, tooltip] ] ] )
Create a polygon shape from the given coordinates and properties.
shape = mapPolyline(listOfLongLat [, lineColor [, fillColor [, tooltip] ] ] )
Create a polyline shape from the given coordinates and properties.
shape = mapCircle(centerLongLat, radiusInMeters [, lineColor [, fillColor [, tooltip] ] ] )
Create a circle shape from the given coordinates and properties.
shape = mapRectangle(upperLeft, lowerRight [, lineColor [, fillColor [, tooltip] ] ] )
Create a rectangle shape from the given coordinates and properties.
{long, lat [,label] } = pointFromGeoJsonHolder(geoObject [, label])
Create a simple coordinate object.
The first argument is expected to have a field coordinates with [long, lat]
An empty or null label results in no label.
{long, lat} = pointForCity(commonCityName [,useLongFieldNames] )
Return a simple coordinate object for some well known cities.
Berlin, Madrid, London, Paris, Rome, Seattle, San Fran, Sydney, Tokyo, New York.
{long, lat} = pointFromDocument(longitudeLatitudeDocument [,label] )
Create a simple coordinate object from the larger object.
{long, lat} = pointFromLongLat(long, lat [,label] )
Create a simple coordinate object for the given coordinates.
string = webObservedIpAddress()
Return the web observed address of the host running this macro.
result = basicAuthValue(user, password)
Return 'Basic user:password'
Use this to get an authorization argument for ajax calls. i.e. btoa(username + ":" + password)
result = encodeArguments(key1, value1, key n, value n)
Return a string with key=encodedValue&...
Any null is passed as an empty string.
result = doRest(url, method, encodedArgs, replyDataType, authorization, cookie, returnReplyField)
Perform a REST interaction with the given properties.
result = doServiceRequest(restfulURL, returnType)
Perform a Qarbine request using the given URL.
The returnType can be string, base64, binary, or json. The default is string. This is case sensitive.
string = imdbImagePath(string)
Return the image path from the IMDB encoded URL.
result = makeHTTPS(url)
If the URL starts with http:, then change it to start with https:
string = urlParameter(aValue)
Encode the argument as a URL parameter.
dataOrMsg = catalogContents(fullFolderPath, clazz , extension, tags, [folders|components|both], computeChecksums )
Return catalog contents for the specified constraints.
May use 'mine' as fullFolderPath argument for the user's private folder.
folderNames = catalogFolders()
Return the root catalog folders.
List elements have {id, inFolderCollection, name (nice name), u (usage), p (permission), isRoot, _class (Folder) }
string = catalogFolderPath(inFolderCollection, inPath)
Format a catalog folder path.
string = catalogFolderObjectPath(folderObject [, makeNice] )
Format a catalog folder path.
Extract the name of the collection from the folder object.
string = catalogFolderCollection(folderObject [, makeNice] )
Extract the name of the root folder from the folder object.
string = catalogFolderDatabase(folderObject [, makeNice] )
Extract the name of the database from the folder object.
tags = catalogFolderTags(dbAndCollection)
Return the list of unique tags within the given catalog root folder (AKA collection).
object = catalogObject(object)
Return a smart Qarbine component from the simple object structure.
data = catalogComponent(reference)
Provide an object reference for the object to fully retrieve from the catalog.
statsList = catalogStatistics()
These stats are collection summary counts for each class.
statsList = catalogModifiedByStatistics(modifiedBy, class, database, collection, inPath, flatten)
These stats are modifiedBy and class counts with optional filtering.
entries = concurrentUsers()
These entries are volatile based on user and client IP activity.
list = customCells()
Return stub instances of all the custom cells.
Use customCellNames() for just a list of names.
A formula can use = @current.getRegistrationName() to obtain the name.
The getAboutFormula() is also useful.
data = dataSetData(fullStoragePath | folderPath, name)
dataSetData("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar", "A bunch of animals")
dataSetData("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar/A bunch of animals")
data = fileContent(fullStoragePath | folderPath, name)
fileContent("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar", "A bunch of animals.txt")
fileContent("q_catalog|qf_general/foo/bar/A bunch of animals.txt")
folderObjects = reportTemplatesWithCustomCell(listOfNames)
Return components which reference the custom cell names.
folderObjects = promptsUsing(listOfCustomPromptClassNames)
Return components which reference the custom prompt class names.
folderObjects = dataSourcesWithText(findText)
Return data source components which reference the text.
string = folderPath(folderEntry)
The path to a root entry is the entry's ID => AKA inFolderCollection
The path to a folder includes the folder's name => inFolderCollection | inPath | name
The path to a component => inFolderCollection | inPath
string = fullFolderPath(folderPath, name)
string = fullFolderPath(fullStoragePath)
string = fullFolderPath(copyReferenceString)
string = fullFolderPath(object)
This path is just the folder one. It excludes the component name.
string = fullStoragePath(folderPath, name)
string = fullStoragePath(fullStoragePath)
string = fullStoragePath(copyReferenceString)
string = fullStoragePath(object)
Return the component's storage path.
This path includes the component name.
string = storageName(folderPath, name)
string = storageName(fullStoragePath)
string = storageName(copyReferenceString)
string = storageName(object)
Return the component name.
folderObjects = referencesToDataSource(folderPath, name)
Return a list of components which reference the given data source.
folderObjects = referencesToDataSource(fullStoragePath)
folderObjects = referencesToDataSource(copyReferenceString)
folderObjects = referencesToDataSet(folderPath, name)
Return a list of components which reference the given data set.
folderObjects = referencesToDataSet(fullStoragePath)
folderObjects = referencesToDataSet(copyReferenceString)
folderObjects = referencesToPrompt(folderPath, name)
Return a list of components which reference the given prompt.
folderObjects = referencesToPrompt(fullStoragePath)
folderObjects = referencesToPrompt(copyReferenceString)
folderObjects = referencesToResource(name)
Return a list of components which reference the given resource.
folderObjects = referencesToStyleSet(folderPath, name)
Return a list of components which reference the given style sheet.
folderObjects = referencesToStyleSet(fullStoragePath)
folderObjects = referencesToStyleSet(copyReferenceString)
names = resources( )
Return all visible Resources minus their content.
names = catalogClasses(asClazzLabelList)
Return all storable classes. Useful for catalog prompts in top X of what templates.
names = longClassName(internalName)
Return long name. 'QBE'-> 'Query by example', 'DataSource' -> 'Data Source'
integer = featureLevel( )
Return the installation's feature level.
computeNodes = computeNodes(activeState)
This list is based on the ComputeNode collection.
computeNodes = computeNodeDetails(activeState)
This list is based on the ComputeNode collection.
This returns lots of details of each compute node.
list = customCellNames()
Return the registered custom cell names.
list = dataExporterNames()
Return the registered data exporter plugin names.
list = customFunctionNames()
Return the registered custom function plugin names.
list = exportQueryToNames()
Return the registered export query plugin names.
list = modelClassNames()
Return the registered model class names.
list = reportResultFormatterNames()
Return the registered result formatter plugin names.
list = sendToNames()
Return the registered sendTo plugin names.
[ {type, alias} ] = aiAssistants( )
Get a basic list of configured AI assistants.
vectors = tweakWholeNumbers(numberArray)
Make sure no numbers are integer-like. Nudge them by 0.00000001 to be decimal-like.
vectors = embeddings(string, alias, inputType, noWholeNumbers, explainFlag)
Obtain a vectors list for the given string.
The alias specifies which configured service to use. A null means use the default.
The inputTypes are 'text' and 'image' and support varies by your configuration. The default is 'text'.
Use noWholeNumbers of true to avoid any integers being seen downstream. MongoDB has thrown an error in such cases. The values are incremented by 0.00000001.
The options is an object whose fields vary by AI Assistant service.
The explainFlag may be true to return details on the AI service call without actually performing the call.
This is only allowed for Qarbine administrators.
{usage, completionText} = completion(prompt, alias, returnOnlyCompletionText, options)
Obtain a completion document for the given prompt.
The prompt is used as the messages argument in the form of [ {role: "user", content: prompt} ]
The alias specifies which configured service to use. A null means use the default.
Use returnOnlyCompletionText of true for the result to be only the text reply.
The options is an object whose fields vary by AI Assistant service.
The explainFlag may be true to return details on the AI service call without actually performing the call.
This is only allowed for Qarbine administrators.
string = summarize(prompt, alias)
Using the prompt provided, ask the AI assistant for a summary of the template output.
The final AI prompt format is 'Below is a report. PROMPT. OVERALL_TSV.
This is more of a convenience function.
tsvText = formattedResult(inActiveChunk)
Return tab separated text for the current state of the template result.
When inActiveChunk is false or not provided, the overall current text is returned.
When inActiveChunk is true and the formula is on a group summary then that group's header, inside content, and summary up to the cell are returned.
When inActiveChunk is true and the formula is on a report summary then the report summary up to the cell is returned.
vectors = sampleEmbeddings( )
Return sample vectors list.
A discussion of a CosmosDB’s vector search example can be found at
That example only uses 3 dimensions for its vector.
nodesAndLinks = buildUsersAndRolesGraph(users, customRoles)
Build a nodes and links structure suitable for graph data presentations.
string = formatHighlightFragments(highlights [, pre_tags, post_tags] )
Create a marked up string based on the ElasticSearch highlight fragments list.
The default pre_tags is <em> and the post_tags is </em>.
string = formatHighlights(highlights [,excludePath [,fullText] ] )
Create a marked up string based on the highlights list.
list = graphLookupOrder( graphLookupSet, keyField, linkField [, topDownFlag] )
Create a list based on the hierarchy set.
list = graphLookupOrder( @reportingHierarchy, "name", "reportsTo", false);
string = dateRangeCriteria(fromDate, toDate [,includeFrom , includeTo] )
Return MongoDB query criteria string for the given date range.
The default is each end is inclusive, $gte fromDate and $lte toDate.
MongoDbCriteria = inYearCriteria(yearNumber)
Return MongoDB query criteria string for the given year (inclusive).
May use in
db.sales.find( {storeLocation: [! @store !], saleDate: [! inYearCriteria(@year) !] } )
objectId = objectId(mongoObjectId)
Return a MongoDB Object ID object for the given ID value.
users = internalUsers( )
Return internal users.
roles = internalRoles( )
Return internal roles.
stages = parseMongoDbExplain(object)
Return a list of stages parsed from the MOngoDB explain object.
Other Database Support
string = intervalAsWords(anInterval)
Return the temporal interval as words.
The object may have years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds fields.
seconds = intervalAsSeconds(anInterval)
Return the interval as seconds.
object = timeUuidElements(timeUuidBase64)
Extract Cassandra time UUID elements {timestamp: , ticks: , clockId: , host: };
value = othertableLookup(dataService, baseId, table, recordIdArg, includeFields, excludeFields, maxRecords)
Perform a dynamic lookup using the given data service and other parameters.