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Querying Overview

Qarbine supports Couchbase queries enabled by the underlying Couchbase Node.js driver. In general this means any SQL++ query along with any data structures that may be returned.

Shown below is the Data Source Designer using a Couchbase data service and accessing the sample Couchbase beer content.


Some of the query results are shown below


Here is a query with a WHERE clause.


Here is a query with a more involved WHERE clause.


Vector Searching



Setting up Sample Data

Navigate to the cluster.





Determine the index of interest.

On the far right click the highlighted image.


A general search entry page is shown.


Enter the vector search query

"fields": ["*"],
"query": {
"match_none": ""
"knn": [
"k": 2,
"field": "colorvect_l2",
"vector": [ 0, 0, 128 ]

For example


By using the special match_none query in the query field, the Search query is only a Vector Search query. It only returns the k number of similar vectors. The Search Service combines the Vector search results from a knn object with the traditional query object by using an OR function. If the same documents match the knn and query objects, the Search Service ranks those documents higher in search results.



The results are shown


To see the full row click the highlighted id text value.


The dialog includes content such as

"brightness": 14.592,
"color": "navy",
"colorvect_l2": [ 0 , 0, 128 ],
"description": "Navy is a deep, rich color that exudes sophistication....",
"embedding_model": "text-embedding-ada-002-v2",
"embedding_vector_dot": [...]
"id": "#000080",
"verbs": [ "deep", "rich", "sophisticated" ],
"wheel_pos": "other"

Vector Query Prerequisites

For vector related queries, prior to using Qarbine’s embeddings(...) macro function or the SQL-like query function nearText(...), the Qarbine Administrator must first configure “AI Assistant(s)”. The AI Assistants provide access to various popular Generative AI services and are referenced using an alias. Check with your Qarbine administrator for which ones are available and their proper use. For example, when using dynamic query vector embeddings, the model used by the AI Assistant must be compatible with the one used to generate the original embedding values in the database.

Using SQL++ Vector Searches

For details see the following links.

A framework for a vector query is shown below/

SELECT *, meta().id FROM <key_space>
WHERE anOptionalCondition
AND SEARCH(<key_space>, {"query": {"match": "content", "field": "text"}, "knn": {"vector": <vector_embedding>", "field": "vector_field", "k": 5}});

The data source query specification can be

#pragma pullFieldsUp rgb
SELECT *, meta().id
FROM rgbBucket.rgbScope.rgb
where SEARCH( rgbScope.rgb,
"fields": ["*"],
"query": { "match_none": "" },
"knn": [
"k": 5,
"field": "colorvect_l2",
"vector": [ 0, 0, 128 ]
limit 5

In this example specification we chose to pull the rgb field’s values up a level to the main level.

Vector Search Index References

For information on creating a vector search see

For more information see

Creating a sample vector search.


Click Add




Reviewing the Generated Specification

You can enter criteria of the form “EXPLAIN SELECT ….” to have the SQL statement processed and have the returned answer set be the query just prior to sending it to Couchbase.

select * from _default
where country = "United States" and
state = @state order by name limit 25

This query has a variable which is prompted for.


Select the single result element and its details are shown to the right.


A convenient way of specifying this is to have “explain” on the first line and the rest of your SQL on the next lines.

select * from _default
where country = "United States" and
state = @state order by name limit 25

Then simply “comment out” the first line when not in use

// explain
select * from _default
where country = "United States" and
state = @state order by name limit 25

You can also use “explain: true” in the JSON query specification for similar information.

Another way to get the specification is to press ALT and click   . Below is a sample result.


Any “explain SELECT” or “explain: true” takes precedence over the ALT-click interaction.


Sample data information can be found at

Added suggested index after running the query at

Search Considerations

NOTE- In general simply use the SEARCH() function with the SQL++ interface.

There are two Couchbase APIs for querying search at the scope level:

  • cluster.searchQuery() supports FTS and
  • supports FTS and vector search.

For more information see

In June 2024 it was noticed that indices mentioned in tutorial were missing. To define the missing travel-sample indices see the information at


JSON Query Specification

Qarbine supports using a JSON specification for retrieving data. The format is

useSearch: true | false,
bucket: aString,
scope: aString,
index: aString, ← required.
other fields per Couchbase documentation

The useSearch flag determines whether the search or query endpoint is used. Depending on how the Qarbine administrator defines the chosen Couchbase Data Service the endpoint used will be either HTTP or HTTPS oriented.

The bucket argument is not required if it was specified in the data service’s database entry field. The same holds for the scope argument. The effective query path is


If you use the default search result sorting of _score, a document’s score determines where it appears in your search results.

For more information on the search specification see

GeoJSON Examples


Note that the conversion we used was explicit on the target collection.

UPDATE `travel-sample`..inventory.airport
SET geojson = { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [geo.lon,] }
WHERE geo IS NOT null;

UPDATE `travel-sample`.inventory.airport
SET geoarea = { "coordinates": [geo.lon,], "type": "circle", "radius": "10mi"}
WHERE geo IS NOT null AND type="airport";

The geospatial querying discussion starts at

The Geo JSON indexing discussion starts at

See also

As of 1 June 2024 it seemed out of date. The following selections were made.
The click the Add button.

A similar interaction was done for the geoarea column as shown below.


The result is shown below.


The click


The result is


Qarbine Virtual Queries

There are a few convenience queries which are mainly DBA oriented. These queries are recognized by the Qarbine driver and provide common database information.

Query Description
list databasesReturn a list of databases.
list collectionsReturn a list of Couchbase collections.

See the “DBA Productivity” section of the online documentation for more details.


Query Validation

If a query fails within Qarbine then testis in the Capella web console. This is located at the highlighted tabs below.


For details on Couchbase querying see

Names with Dashes

Couchbase supports referencing a data holder using “bucket.scope.collection”. For example,

select * from `travel-sample`.inventory.airline limit 10

Note that the bucket name above is enclosed in tick marks and not quotes. An example of a Couchbase JOIN is shown below.

SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.route r
JOIN `travel-sample`.inventory.airline a ON r.airlineid = META(a).id
WHERE = 'France'