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Custom Cell Summary


Qarbine provides several templates to report on its own configuration and features. There are several templates containing examples of various custom cells by themselves or with others. There is also a high level template which lists the installed ones as well.

Installed Custom Cell Report

In the Catalog tool navigate as shown below to the desired template.




Right click to get the option menu shown below.


Choose Run.

Sample output is shown below with the custom cells sorted by name.


Custom Cells

Release 1

   Boolean Graphic
The cell formula result is the boolean indicating which image state to display (true for 'checked' or false for 'unchecked'). A null result displays nothing. To ensure a boolean use and(expression).
The cell formula result is an image URL or the base64 image representation.
   Percentage Graphic
The cell formula result may be:"next" or "previous" indicating the input cell containing the percentage, or the percentage itself.
The cell formula result is the name or code of the graphic to show. See the "Name - Code" list below.
   Copy Interaction
The cell formula result may be "next" or "previous" indicating the relative cell containing the text to copy, a catalog component, or string or other value to be copied. Clicking the icon in the result copies the item to the clipboard.
The cell formula result is the height of the divider.
   Unicode Symbol
The cell formula result is the numeric Unicode value.See the mapping tables here

Release 2

   Bookmark Element
The cell formula result is the name of the bookmark.
The cell formula result is an interactive action object. Clicking the button in the result performs the associated action (i.e., urlAction, componentAction, etc.). See more here .
The cell formula result may be:"next" or "previous" indicating the relative cell containing the date(s), or data value(s).Clicking the icon in the result shows a calendar with the date(s).
The cell formula result is the short text to show when using a button. The full text formula determines what details are shown. The button option opens either a text or JSON dialog. The Tooltip option shows the full text in a bubble.
The cell formula result may be:"next" or "previous" indicating the input cell containing the Google search term, or the Google search term itself. Clicking performs the Google search in another tab.
   Jump To
The cell formula and interaction define how the user may scroll through the result using "Jump To" and "Jump To Anchor" custom cells. Clicking the button in the result scrolls the target area into view. See more here .
   Jump To Anchor
The cell formula result is a value that may be referenced by a "jump To" custom cell.The value must be unique within the result. See the "Jump To" custom cell for more information.
The cell formula result is the LinkedIn profile URL. Clicking opens the profile page in another tab.
   Open Browser URL
The cell formula result is either:"next" or "previous" indicating the relative cell containing the URL, or a URL address.Clicking the icon in the result opens a browser to the given URL.
   Phone Interaction
The cell formula result is either:"next" or "previous" indicating the relative cell containing the phone number, or a phone number.Clicking the icon in the result performs the browser's default tel: action.
   Text To Speech
The cell formula result may be "next" or "previous" indicating the input cell containing the text to speak, or the text to speak itself.Clicking the icon speaks the given text.